Meet a Board Member: Tana Erbes!
Tana Erbes, an enthusiastic advocate for NDSCS and community growth, brings over five years of dedicated service to the board, driven by her passion for connecting students, families, and the local community while promoting thriving businesses and a vibrant quality of life.
1. Can you share a bit about your background and how you first got involved with our organization?
The Board was looking for a connection to the College, so that there would be more awareness of what is happening on campus. Lisa Kunkel reached out to me and asked if I would join as a director so that a stronger connection to NDSCS could be formed. I accepted! (That was over 5 years ago)

2. Beyond your role on the board, what are your personal and professional passions?
I formerly worked as a social worker in healthcare for MANY years. When I needed a change, I found my way to NDSCS. It has literally changed my life and my career path. I can’t stop talking about this amazing place. I love to hear about students’ career plans, and I find myself talking to parents/businesses/community members about all the great opportunities here. My favorite thing is to see our former students after they’ve graduated and started a great career.

3. What inspired you to join the board, and what motivates you to contribute to our organization's success?
I must refer back to NDSCS here. I am part of the admissions team that gets to see students and families when they first tour our campus. They are always impressed by that, but often ask questions about the community. I am passionate about shopping locally and utilizing local services. We need a thriving community to welcome our students and provide the things necessary while living here and going to school. Places to eat out, shop, provide social outings, and special events are important to the ‘package’ that ultimately makes a student choose NDSCS.
4. Do you have a favorite memory or accomplishment during your time on the board?
The Chamber Chats are one of my favorite things to attend. I had attended some in the FM area and thought it was a great way to see various businesses and hear about things that help them. They are well attended, but I hope that they get even bigger as time goes on.
5. What advice would you give to someone considering joining the board or getting more involved in community service?
Thriving businesses make our community more valuable. If you can support the efforts of the Chamber, in some way or form, it benefits all of us: homeowners, employers, businesses and all residents have more opportunities in our own communities. Attend Chamber events, shop locally and support our local economy so our city continues to attract good people. And if you have the time to be more involved, you’ll gain a great understanding of how everything works together. We all must do our part to enhance a robust community.
6. Share a fun or interesting fact about yourself that most people might not know.
I am an only child. I don’t know why, but when people discover this, they are usually shocked.
I did NOT/do NOT like being an only child for many reasons. I was blessed with three children, and I tell them all the time how important it is to be there for one another.